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    Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Artists: About Mr. Duong Sokkea

    Hello guys, this post on KhmerEN blog, I would like to share you about a popular Cambodian artist, Mr. Duong Sokkea. He's a popular artist good at speaking funny story, comedy, poem, he also can sing song, Ayai, Chapey., Khloy...You can find him on CTN on a program...Sokkea, Leakhena, B I G...


    To more about him CTN 21 interviewed about Mr. Duong Sokkea's background and family...

    KhmerEN.Blogspot.com:Sokkea's Background:

    KhmerEN.Blogspot.com:Meet Sokkea's Family:

    Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: RoBuosDuongChet-End: របួសដួងចិត្ត (ភាគបញ្ចប់)

    Khmer PeakMy Team

    This post, I would like to share with you a video of Khmer comedy with the title "RoBuosDuongChet-End: របួសដួងចិត្ត (ភាគបញ្ចប់)", presented by Neay Peakmy team, hosted on CTN TV Channel.

    If you not yet watch the beginning part of the video, click here to watch the previous part (part-1).

    Yeah, if you already watch the previous part, now let enjoy watch the Khmer comedy video, RoBuosDuongChet-End: របួសដួងចិត្ត (ភាគបញ្ចប់)

    Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: RoBuosDuongChet-Part-1: របួសដួងចិត្ត(ភាគ១)

    Khmer PeakMy Team

    This post, I would like to share with you a video of Khmer comedy with the title "RoBuosDuongChet-Part-1: របួសដួងចិត្ត(ភាគ១)", presented by Neay Peakmy team, hosted on CTN TV Channel."RoBuosDuongChet-Part-1: របួសដួងចិត្ត(ភាគ១)" can be translated as​ "Wounded Heart or Broken heart "​​. Why the heart is wounded???

    Yeah, to know details, Please enjoy below...Ro Buos Duong Chet- របួសដួងចិត្ត(ភាគ១)

    Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: KomHosKrubYarngMorkPiRoobKhnhom-កំហុសគ្រប់យ៉ាងមកពីរូបខ្ញុំ

    Khmer PeakMy Team

    This post, I would like to share with you a video of Khmer comedy with the title "KomHosKrubYarngMorkPiRoobKhnhom-កំហុសគ្រប់យ៉ាងមកពីរូបខ្ញុំ", presented by Neay Peakmy team, hosted on CTN TV Channel."KomHosKrubYarngMorkPiRoobKhnhom-កំហុសគ្រប់យ៉ាងមកពីរូបខ្ញុំ" can be translated as​ "The fault caused by me"​​. So, not to make fault, please think carefully before doing something...

    Yeah, Please enjoy below...KomHosKrubYarngMorkPiRoobKhnhom-កំហុសគ្រប់យ៉ាងមកពីរូបខ្ញុំ

    Khmer Entertainment: Khmer​ Tradition: Khmer Wedding Songs


    Hello guys! This post, I would like to share you Cambodian Traditional Wedding video songs or Khmer wedding songs, Khmer wedding Karaoke presented by Cambodian artist group...Khmer people usually know as Phleng Kar "ភ្លេងការ"

    Before enjoying the songs, please let me review the Origins of the Khmer Wedding below...

    Khmer weddings symbolize the beautiful legend of the origin of Cambodia and parallels the marriage of the first Khmer prince, Preah Thong, to the naga princess, Neang Neak. The prince was a foreigner exiled from his homeland, and during his travels encountered and fell in love with the naga princess. As a marriage gift, the father of the naga princess swallowed a part of the ocean, and thus formed the land of Cambodia.

    A traditional Khmer wedding is one of the most joyous occasions for a Khmer family and typically lasts from three days to an entire week. It is a grand affair, full of color and festivity, as well as steeped in tradition. Family, friends, and other members of the community come together to share in the celebration. Musicians play throughout the day on traditional instruments, and the couple is dressed like royalty. The bride may change her outfit several times in one day. If the wedding were a weeklong affair, she could declare the color of her dress each day and the guests would dress only in that color.

    Unlike most Western weddings, guests are usually highly animated during the ceremonies, with elders typically explaining the significance of the various customs to the younger generation. Please feel free to turn to a neighbor if you should have questions or comments about what is occurring. You may also stand up and leave the room if you need to stretch your legs. Guests freely move in and out during ceremonies, which is not considered rude....Read more at KhmerInstitute(Khmer Wedding)>>>

    Please Enjoy with KhmerEn about the Khmer Traditional Wedding videos below...

    During Khmer wedding, we usually hear the wedding music...

    1. Khmer Traditional Wedding Songs-1:

    Note: All the songs will play continuously, please wait for the next song automatically..

    2. Khmer Traditional Wedding Songs-2:

    Note: All the songs will play continuously, please wait for the next song automatically..

    Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: ProyattPeaChloarng-ប្រយ័ត្នពៀរឆ្លង

    Khmer PeakMy Team

    This post, I would like to share with you a video of Khmer comedy with the title "ProyattPeaChloarng-ប្រយ័ត្នពៀរឆ្លង", presented by Neay Peakmy team, hosted on CTN TV Channel."ProyattPeaChloarng-ប្រយ័ត្នពៀរឆ្លង" can be translated as​ "Be Careful with To be Vindictive"​​. Before doing any bad thing, be careful to remember this word...

    មែនហើយ ពាក្យខ្មែរយើង តែងតែនិយាយថា៖"ប្រយ៍ត្នពៀរឆ្លងម្តងម្នាក់ រឺប្រយ័ត្នកម្មពៀរឆ្លងដល់កូនដល់ចៅ"។ ពាក្យនេះត្រូវបានប្រជាជនខ្មែរយើងពោលតាំងពីបុរាណកាលមក ដើម្បីដាស់សតិអារម្មណ៍​ក៏ដូចជាស្មារតីរបស់មនុស្សយើងអោយមានការគិតពិចារណា រឺក៏អោយមានការប្រយ័ត្នប្រយែង ក្រែងលោ មានកំហុសខុសឆ្គង ភ្លាំងភ្លាត់ ទាំងពាក្យសំដី ក៏ដូចជាកាយវិការ ដែល ឈានទៅដល់ការប្រព្រឹត្តអំពីមិនគាប់​ រឺធ្វើអំពើដែលមានបាប ដូចជាការបៀតបៀនទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិ អាយុ  ជីវិតសត្វ ការលួចប្លន់ សំលាប់មនុស្ស ជាដើមនោះ សុទ្ធតែជាអំពើដែលមិនគប្បី រឺ ក៏មិនអើពើ ឃើញអ្នកដ៏ទៃមានទុក្ខ បែរជាមិនយកភ្នែកមើល មិនចេះជួយយកអាសាគេ នោះហើយ ប្រយ័ត្នពៀរឆ្លងម្តងម្នាក់។

    ដើម្បីយល់អោយបានកាន់តែច្បាស់នោះ សូមបងប្អូនចូលរួមទស្សនា រឿង  កំប្លែងនេះដូចតទៅ....

    Yeah, Please enjoy below...KomChusTamDamRey-កុំជុះតាមដំរីProyattPeaChloarng-ប្រយ័ត្នពៀរឆ្លង

    Other links you may want to see...
    WWE: http://visa-wwe.blogspot.com/
    The Kingdom of Wonder: http://welcome2cambodia.blogspot.com/
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    Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: KomChusTamDamRey-កុំជុះតាមដំរី

    This post, I would like to share with you a video of Khmer comedy with the title "KomChusTamDamRey-កុំជុះតាមដំរី", presented by Neay Peakmy team, hosted on CTN TV Channel."KomChusTamDamRey-កុំជុះតាមដំរី" can be translated as​ "Do not defecate like elephant"​​. It want to educate that just do our task or job or something that we can do, not over the limit, based on ability or capacity that you can do..Example, if you have only $500, do not or can not buy something that cost over $500...that's what I think...

    Yeah, Please enjoy below...KomChusTamDamRey-កុំជុះតាមដំរី

    Other links you may want to see...
    WWE: http://visa-wwe.blogspot.com/
    The Kingdom of Wonder: http://welcome2cambodia.blogspot.com/
    Daily Blogging: http://visablogging.blogspot.com/
    Love Sharing: http://visa-love.blogspot.com/
    NetworkSecurity: http://networksecuritynotes.blogspot.com/
    About Insurance:http://visa-insurance.blogspot.com
    All about Love: http://visa-love.blogspot.com/
    Learning English Online: http://visa-elb.blogspot.com/
    Discovery Internet: http://visa-isp.blogspot.com/

    Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: ChaekMinDachSamRachMinBarn-ចែកមិនដាច់សំរេចមិនបាន

    This post, I would like to share with you a video of Khmer comedy with the title "ChaekMinDachSamRachMinBarn-ចែកមិនដាច់សំរេចមិនបាន", presented by Neay Peakmy team, hosted on CTN TV Channel."ChaekMinDachSamRachMinBarn-ចែកមិនដាច់សំរេចមិនបាន" can be translated as "Can not separate, Can not decide"​​. It means that you need to dare to decide to do something in order to achieve it..Yeah,it just my opinion, wrong or right, don't know te...The story talks about a group of thieves steal a man's money...

    Yeah, Please enjoy below...ChaekMinDachSamRachMinBarn-ចែកមិនដាច់សំរេចមិនបាន

    Other links you may want to see...
    WWE: http://visa-wwe.blogspot.com/
    The Kingdom of Wonder: http://welcome2cambodia.blogspot.com/
    Daily Blogging: http://visablogging.blogspot.com/
    Love Sharing: http://visa-love.blogspot.com/
    NetworkSecurity: http://networksecuritynotes.blogspot.com/
    About Insurance:http://visa-insurance.blogspot.com
    All about Love: http://visa-love.blogspot.com/
    Learning English Online: http://visa-elb.blogspot.com/
    Discovery Internet: http://visa-isp.blogspot.com/

    Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: Khmer Entertainment: Khmer Comedy: KroPeuRoMeulKun-ក្រពើរមិលគុណ

    This post, I would like to share with you a video of Khmer comedy with the title "KroPeuRoMeulKun-ក្រពើរមិលគុណ", presented by Neay Peakmy team, hosted on CTN TV Channel."KroPeuRoMeulKun-ក្រពើរមិលគុណ" can be translated as "ungrateful crocodile"​​. It means that you help a bad person, you get bad thing from that person. So, I think that before we help anyone, we should think first whether we should help or not, should know them clearly, are they good person or bad person...

    Yeah, Please enjoy below...KroPeuRoMeulKun-ក្រពើរមិលគុណ

    Other links you may want to see...
    WWE: http://visa-wwe.blogspot.com/
    The Kingdom of Wonder: http://welcome2cambodia.blogspot.com/
    Daily Blogging: http://visablogging.blogspot.com/
    Love Sharing: http://visa-love.blogspot.com/
    NetworkSecurity: http://networksecuritynotes.blogspot.com/
    About Insurance:http://visa-insurance.blogspot.com
    All about Love: http://visa-love.blogspot.com/
    Learning English Online: http://visa-elb.blogspot.com/
    Discovery Internet: http://visa-isp.blogspot.com/

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